Austrian Civilian Police
General requirements:
- Police officer on active service
- Disciplinary integrity
- Suitability in terms of skills, personality and health
- Definitive service status
- Applications from females are especially welcomed
Special requirements:
- Excellent knowledge of a foreign language (English – Selection exam)
- Positive completion of the "pre-deployment" course incl. A-HEAT
- General invitation for AE takes place once a calendar year
- Applications only possible upon this invitation
- Application forms are attached to this invitation resp. maybe downloaded from the Intranet (Link: Bewerbungsformular/Application form)
- Applications shall be submitted through service channels. An opinion by intermediary superiors about suitability/unsuitability for deployments abroad in terms of skills and personality is required.
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Before being delegated to a mission, a training course has to be passed successfully. The training consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The course itself shall be held in English language only.
Theory training (Abstract of the curriculum):
- Mission organisations (UN, EU, OSCE)
- Mandate (range of functions) of the civilian police
- Techniques for the fulfilment of tasks - monitoring, mentoring
- Psychologically relevant areas (e.g. stress management)
- Human rights (incl. children´s rights)
- Gender issues
- Internal rules of missions („Standard Operation Procedure“)
- Security aspects (e.g. knowledge of mines)
- Intercultural aspects
- Exertion of coercive power
- Orientation (GPS)
- First aid
Practical training:
- Role plays
- Deployment tactics
- First aid
- Training on ATV (all terrain-vehicles)
- Orientation
Ausbildung am Kletterturm - Abseilübung
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Hindernisparcours - Überwinden von Seilleitern
Foto: ©
Hindernisparcours - Balancieren
Foto: ©
Orientierungsübung - Kartenstudium
Foto: ©
Erste-Hilfe Übung - Beamtmen
Foto: ©
Unterricht - Lehrsaal
Foto: ©
The practical part of the training course is the European Union certified HEAT (Hostile Environment Awareness Training), which is needed for deployment in an EU-Mission.
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Enquiries and suggestions may be directed by e-mail to the mailbox of the department for deployments abroad.
Federal Ministry of the Interior
Directorate General for Public Security
Departement II/BPD/6
Unit II/BPD/6/b - International Missions and Operations
Herrengasse 7
A-1010 Vienna
Telephone +43-(0)1-53 126 - 3638
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