Civil Protection in Austria

Safety Information Centers (SIZ)

The SIZ Logo
The SIZ Logo © ÖZSV / TrenCom

Upon the initiative of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, “Self-Protection Information Centers”  have been set up in Austria’s municipalities starting in 1986. These information and advisory centers are managed by the respective mayors, who are responsible for the local management in case of a disaster. In 2001 the Austrian Civil Protection Association was tasked with the organization and supervision of these centers throughout Austria. The project is carried on under the title “Safety Information Centers (SIZ)” . These centers receive professional support through the emergency and rescue organizations. The campaign receives funding from the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

The main tasks of these centers are:

  • General public relations activities in the area of civil protection and self-protection
  • Organizing courses, lectures and exercises at the local level
  • Providing information and advice in all matters of self-protection
  • Promoting neighbourhood assistance